Legal mentions


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The purpose of the present notice is to define the terms under which the company NICOLI PARTNERS makes its Website available, along with the terms under which Internet users can access and use this Website. These legal mentions apply to all Internet users visiting this site.

After reading this, site access and usage imply the user’s acceptance of the present legal notice. NICOLI PARTNERS reserves the right to modify or update these legal mentions at any time, to adapt them to site presentation and/or operation changes.


Tél : +33(0) 493 078 415
E-mail :


140, quai du Sartel
59100 Roubaix

Content: NICOLI PARTNERS is particularly dedicated to creating and maintaining the present site and to ensuring that its content is accurate and up-to-date. The elements present on this site, however, are susceptible to frequent change without notice.

Though NICOLI PARTNERS strives to ensure that all information on the Website are accurate and up-to-date, it cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision, currency or exhaustiveness of the site’s content. Elements available online are provided to users with no guarantee of any sort and cannot give rise to any compensation rights as they have no contractual value.

Intellectual property rights:

The content of the site, such as data, information, brands, illustrations, logos, videos and 3D animations, is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. All content is the property of NICOLI PARTNERS or subject to usage approval. Any reproduction, modification, download, denaturation, transmission or distribution, in part of in whole, of a document or datum present on the site, is strictly prohibited without prior written consent from NICOLI PARTNERS with the exception of copy for private and non-commercial use and subject to compliance with intellectual property rights and of all property rights mentioned].

Personal data:

This Website has been declared to the National Data Protection Commission (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés). In order to use some of the site’s features, you will be asked to provide personal data (name, address, email address). You are free to refuse the transmission of such data. You may, however, be prevented from using certain functions or receiving the requested information.

NICOLI PARTNERS shall use personal data exclusively for the purposes for which they were requested at the moment you provided them. Any personal data that you may have provided or resulting from your browsing activities on the Website are reserved for a usage strictly internal to NICOLI PARTNERS.

They shall not be used or transmitted for commercial or market research purposes. Newsletter subscription and job application form: In accordance with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act of January 6th 1978, you are entitled to oppose, access, rectify and delete any personal data concerning yourself. In the context of subscription to the newsletter or transmission of the online job application, users may exercise their right to modify, correct or delete at any time, by formulating their request through our "contacts" section, accessible from the site

Hypertext links:

The site may contain links to third party sites. NICOLI PARTNERS has no control over these sites an cannot, under any circumstances, be held responsible for their content, nor of any changes or updates that they may provided, for their accessibility or for any collection of personal data, installation of cookies or for any other procedure for these same purposes, that may be performed by these sites.

The creation of hypertext links to pages on the NICOLI PARTNERS Website is subject to prior written consent by NICOLI PARTNERS. Unless by specific authorisation, the link must be opened in a new window and the pages of the site must not, under any circumstances, be contained within the pages of another site.

Limitation of liability:

NICOLI PARTNERS reserves the right to update, modify or correct the content of its site at any time, without notice. NICOLI PARTNERS provides no explicit or implicit guarantees and accepts no responsibility concerning the use of the site’s information and elements. The user is sole responsible for the used of these elements and information.

Under no circumstances may NICOLI PARTNERS, or any third parties mentioned on its site, be held responsible, under the terms of contractual proceedings, tort action, or any other action or damages, whether direct or indirect, of any nature, or of any tort, in particular financial or commercial, resulting from the use of its site or of any information contained therein.

NICOLI PARTNERS does not guarantee that the software used on the site, data, online applications, not any other services provided by the site, contain no errors, or that they can operate in an uninterrupted manner. NICOLI PARTNERS cannot be held responsible for any contamination of Internet users’ computer hardware resulting from the propagation of a virus, or of any other form of electronic contamination.

It is the user’s responsibility to take all appropriate steps to protect his/her own data and/or software from contamination with possible viruses.

Exclusive jurisdiction and governing statute Any litigations arising or to arise shall be submitted to French jurisdiction and shall be governed and analysed according to the French legislation’s rules of general law. Should one of the provisions of this notice be deemed illegal, null and void, or inapplicable, for whatever reason, it would not affect the validity, nor the application of the other provisions.